Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Update From Local Author MATTY DALRYMPLE

 EDITOR’S NOTE:  Here’s an update on published works from local author Matty Dalrymple, one of the many creators reading from their work at tomorrow’s NOIR AT A BAR in West Chester. I’ll be attending that event. It’s always special.  More details below . . . .: )  EDITOR’S NOTE:  Here’s an update on published works from local author Matty Dalrymple, one of the many creators reading from their work at tomorrow’s NOIR AT A BAR in West Chester. I’ll be attending that event. It’s always special.  More details below . . . .
A dilapidated mansion on Philadelphia's Main Line. A wedding day promise from decades ago. A love that even death can't end--or can it? Ann Kinnear has a yearly engagement for Valentine's Day, but it's not one she's looking forward to.

“So dear I love him that with him, all deaths I could endure. Without him, live no life.”
John Milton, Paradise Lost
I'm excited to announce the fourth Ann Kinnear Suspense Short available on Amazon: All Deaths EndureGet a shot of suspense for less than the cost of a cup of tea!
In other Ann Kinnear news, I've updated the Ann Kinnear in Maine page on my website. Maine + suspense is like port + chocolate--the combination makes both even more delicious! Mount Desert Island, Maine, home of Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, is one of my favorite places, and I've set several Ann Kinnear stories in that beautiful location. In The Sense of Reckoning (Ann Kinnear Book 2), you'll visit the twisting roads and treacherous coves of MDI, with a backstory involving the devastating Fire of '47 that blazed across the island and threatened Bar Harbor. In Close These Eyes and Write in Water (Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts), the backdrops are the icy docks of Southwest Harbor and an isolated island in Blue Hill Bay. So curl up with your port and chocolate and get ready to enjoy a shiver or two!
If you're in the vicinity of West Chester, PA, I'd love to see you at Noir at a Bar on Wednesday, October 17, 2018, from 7-9pm at Timothy's (929 South High Street West Chester, PA), where I will be joined by a whole slew of authors reading noir-ish experts from our works. I'll be sharing a scene from The Sense of Reckoning, which takes place on a deserted country road on Mount Desert Island, Maine, on an appropriately creepy and cold October night.
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