Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Free Horror Films At TUBITV COM (by Gary Scott Beatty)

GARY SCOTT BEATTY returns to the blog with more news on his latest project and some thoughts on classic horror movies . . . . . . . . . . . .
GOING TO HELL. Today, over at the Gods of Aazurn webcomic, Cain has a glimpse of hell in a nightmare. Dream, nightmare, or vision?  Go to: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/gods-of-aazurn/list?title_no=202820

GRAPHIC NOVEL. Backers have been steady at the Gods of Aazurn Kickstarter, and it's revealing to see who of my Fan List readers are interested seeing my career (and this story) advance.  Go to:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/garyscottbeatty/gods-of-aazurn-creepy-cosmic-horror-comics-lovecra/

FREE STUFF. Even though much (most?) of the horror on at TubiTV.com is pretty (very?) bad, there are some gems in their current lineup, especially among their classic horror movies.  Go to:  https://tubitv.com/home?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Search-Brand-US-All-BM&utm_term=tubetv&utm_content=free&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5pPc3sqT4AIVyJCfCh1hMg7NEAAYASAAEgKTU_D_BwE

Mario Bava's Black Sunday (1960) is wonderfully moody and the only classic Italian horror movie my wife can sit through.

Carnival of Souls (1962) has a low budget B-movie’s "fishbowl" quality I find terrifying. With the gradual isolation of the main character, director Herk Harvey turns the commonplace eerie.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) is the absolute best silent movie you'll ever watch. The odd sets alone are worth a look, but the plot is also a study in horror storytelling. Trust me on this one.

THIS INDIE IS HAPPENING. Two-eyed Tales: A B&W Horror Anthology Make 100 Quickstarter is going on right now! It's a 48-page horror anthology comic inspired by real life events by friend of Aazurn Joseph Duis and his Heresy Studios.

These four horror stories were inspired by personal, cultural, or historical events, all drawn from reality but reflected darkly in funhouse mirrors. If you keep both eyes open, you'll also find broader real-life themes like greed, religious extremism, the cycle of life, and mental health.

Joseph has reached his goal, so this Kickstarter IS happening. You may have read his recent Halloween-themed psychological horror comic Doctor Orange. You SHOULD read Two-eyed Tales. Back it here:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/josephduis/two-eyed-tales-a-bandw-horror-anthology-make-100-q

That's all for now. Take care of yourself and those you love. Make time for the loud and the quiet. Every moment counts.

In glorious service to our Aazurn overlords,
Gary Scott Beatty

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