Monday, November 25, 2019


THE URBAN FANTASY ANTHOLOGY edited by Peter S. Beagle and Joe R. Lansdale. (Tachyon Publications, August 2011)  Paperback, 431 pages.  ISBN # 1616960183 / 9781616960186  

Summary on the Goodreads website . . . . .

Star-studded and comprehensive, this imaginative anthology brings a myriad of modern fantasy voices under one roof. Previously difficult for readers to discover in its new modes, urban fantasy is represented here in all three of its distinct styles—playful new mythologies, sexy paranormal romances, and gritty urban noir. 

Whether they feature tattooed demon-hunters, angst-ridden vampires, supernatural gumshoes, or pixelated pixies, these authors—including Patricia Briggs, Neil Gaiman, and Charles de Lint—mash-up traditional fare with pop culture, creating iconic characters, conflicted moralities, and complex settings. The result is starkly original fiction that has broad-based appeal and is immensely entertaining.

Introduction by Peter S. Beagle 

Mythic Fiction
Introduction: “A Personal Journey Into Mythic Fiction” by Charles de Lint 
“A Bird That Whistles” by Emma Bull
“Make a Joyful Noise” by Charles de Lint
“The Goldfish Pool and Other Stories” by Neil Gaiman
“On the Road to New Egypt” by Jeffrey Ford
“Julie’s Unicorn” by Peter S. Beagle

Paranormal Romance
Introduction: “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Urban Fantasy” by Paula Guran 
“Companions to the Moon” by Charles de Lint
“A Haunted House of Her Own” by Kelley Armstrong
“She’s My Witch” by Norman Partridge
“Kitty’s Zombie New Year” by Carrie Vaughn
“Seeing Eye” by Patricia Briggs
“Hit” by Bruce McAllister 
“Boobs” by Suzy McKee Charnas 
“Farewell, My Zombie” by Francesca Lia Block

Noir Fantasy
Introduction: “We Are Not a Club, but We Sometimes Share a Room” by Joe R. Lansdale 
“The White Man” by Thomas M. Disch
“Gestella” by Susan Palwick
“The Coldest Girl in Coldtown” by Holly Black
“Talking Back to the Moon” by Steven R. Boyett
“On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks” by Joe R. Lansdale
“The Bible Repairman” by Tim Powers
“Father Dear” by Al Sarrantonio 

My review on the Goodreads website . . . . .

     I’d give this mixed bag of short stories a rating of 3.5 stars, but I don't know how to do that on the Goodreads site so I settled for 3 stars. There are a few great stories here, and several above average tales. However, the rest didn't move me so much although they each represented a different aspect of urban fantasy. 

     In fact, I think that's what the editors were going for here. Rather than collect the absolute best stories in this genre, this particular anthology does a fine job of highlighting the various sub-genres within the category and then using the stories as examples of the range of options available to writers. 

     Editor Peter S Beagle writes a short overview, breaking down urban fantasy into three sub-genres and including an introductory essay before each section: Mythic Fiction; Paranormal Romance; and Noir Fantasy. 
I think if the 20 stories collected here had been pared down to half that number, this would have been a stronger collection. Here's the 10 stories I would pick. Incidentally, three are mythic fiction, two are paranormal romance, and five are noir fantasy.


"Make a Joyful Noise" by Charles de Lint is the most powerful and heartwarming tale in this anthology, a feel-good story of two mythic crows (not sure which pantheon they represent) who take ethereal form in order to help a forgotten ghost of a young boy find overdue recognition.

"Goldfish Pool & Other Stories" by Neil Gaiman is a whimsical look at Hollywood past and present from the viewpoint of an author turned reluctant screenwriter (for the money). The fantasy element is a bit vague, but it's still a great read. 

"Julie's Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle is an amusing tale of a unicorn that steps out of a painting and has to be cared for in an apartment along with some cats. 


"Kitty's Zombie New Year" by Carrie Vaughn is a unique spin on date-rape drugs and their debilitating effects. 

"Hit" by Bruce McAllister, my second favorite story here, is a clever first person narrative by a hitman hired by an angel to do God a favor and take down an ancient vampire currently residing in the Vatican. 


"Gestella" by Susan Palwick is a moving story of a human-werewolf romance that has a lot to say about the objectification of women. 

"Coldest Girl In Coldtown" by Holly Black places a teenage love triangle in a near future where many aspire to become vampires for the usually ridiculous adolescent reasons. 
"On The Far Side OF The Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks" by co-editor Joe R. Lansdale is the wildest story of the collection, a personal favorite that I've read before, and showcases the insertion of adventure pulp fiction into the format. Don't miss it. 

I won't spoil "Bible Repairman" by Tim Powers by telling you about it. It is the most creative and original story of the bunch. 

"Father Dear" by Al Sarrantino is a disturbing tale of a dysfunctional family with gothic elements.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

2019 Music Mix: LADYTRON Deadzone

EDITOR”S NOTE:  Track #12 from my 2019 music mix.
There are some disturbing images in the official video for this song. If you’re a bit squeamish about realistic blood, click the second link to only listen to the song.  It’s a very good composition, and worthy of your time.

Friday, November 22, 2019

IDW PUBLISHING - - De Novelas Gráficas - - En Espanol

EDITOR’S NOTE:  See below article for English translation . . . . .

IDW Publishing Lanza Programa Norteamericano de Novelas Gráficas
en Español

La Novela Gráfica Líder en Ventas por el Diario
New York Times del Autor George Takei Nos llamaron Enemigo,
Sonic The Hedgehog™, y el Libro Panda Roja y Oso Lunar
Lideran la Iniciativa de IDW Para Libros en Español

SAN DIEGO, CA (22 de noviembre, 2019) – Ayer durante su discurso de apertura del NCTE (Consejo Nacional de Maestros de Inglés), el autor, actor y activista George Takei anunció que su memoria en formato de novela gráfica la cual fue nombrada líder en ventas por el diario New York TimesNos llamaron Enemigo se publicará en español en Norteamérica como parte de una nueva iniciativa en idioma español de IDW Publishing, una división de IDW Media Holdings Inc. (OTC: IDWM).

"La misión de mi vida ha sido contar la historia del encarcelamiento cruel e injusto de los japoneses-estadounidenses durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y me siento muy honrado por la gran cantidad de apoyo para mi memoria gráfica, Nos llamaron Enemigos,” dijo Takei. “Después de haber creado esta poderosa herramienta para alcanzar a los lectores jóvenes, estoy emocionado porque la historia será accesible a una comunidad que en estos tiempos—hoy—enfrenta ataques que son demasiado familiares. Esta edición en especial es significativa para mí ya que crecí en una comunidad de habla hispana del este de Los Ángeles, la cual nos dio la bienvenida a mi familia después de nuestros años de encarcelamiento.”

Nos llamaron Enemigo se unirá al título popular de SEGA®Sonic The Hedgehog™ y al libro Panda Roja y Oso Lunar del dibujante cubanoamericano Jarod Rosellóen el estreno de novelas gráficas traducidas que saldrán a la venta en junio del 2020. Como el primer programa interno del idioma español manejado por IDW Publishing, una gran empresa editorial Americana, esta iniciativa es adecuada por ser una empresa con oficinas principales en San Diego, California ubicada a pocos kilómetros de la frontera de los Estados Unidos y México—un cruce de naciones, idiomas y culturas.

"IDW se enorgullece al anunciar nuestra nueva iniciativa editorial, la cual refleja el grupo cada vez más diverso de los lectores estadounidenses y también extiende acceso de la narración de novelas gráficas a las comunidades de habla hispana en los Estados Unidos, México y Canadá,” dice Chris Ryall, Presidente, Editor, y Director Creativo Ejecutivo de IDW. “Más de 40 millones de personas hablan español en los Estados Unidos, así que es el segundo idioma más hablado en este país. No solo publicamos para los lectores que tenemos hoy, sino que también nos estamos preparando para el creciente número de lectores en la próxima década y más."

Nos llamaron Enemigo (978-1-60309-483-2), la traducción al español de They Called Us Enemy, es la impresionante memoria gráfica de Takei, coescrita con Justin Eisinger y Steven Scott e ilustrada por Harmony Becker. Al revisitar la inquietante infancia de Takei como uno de los más de 120,000 japoneses americanos quienes fueron encarcelados por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, esta apasionante historia de valor, patriotismo, lealtad y amor es "una mirada crítica y fascinante hacia la historia del racismo dentro la política y cultura de los Estados Unidos"(Booklist). Nos Llamaron Enemigo se lanzará el 2 de junio del 2020.

"La memoria de George Takei, la historia de su familia siendo encarcelada injustamente por el gobierno estadounidense durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, es un título ideal para encabezar esta nueva iniciativa en español," dijo Justin Eisinger, coautor y Director Editorial de las Novelas Gráficas y Colecciones de IDW. “Fuera del alcance del encarcelamiento y sus luchas personales, Nos Llamaron Enemigo es una historia de esperanza. En nuestra época actual, al enfrentar desafíos y prejuicios que de alguna manera son similares, sentimos que el mayor número posible de lectores jóvenes deberían tener acceso a esta historia.”

Sonic the Hedgehog Volumen 1: ¡Consecuencias! (978-1-68405-749-8) es la adaptación al español de Sonic the Hedgehog Vol. 1: Fallout, el primer volumen de la serie popular de IDW basada en el fenómeno global de videojuegos de SEGA®Sonic the Hedgehog ha sido un favorito mundial en las comunidades de habla hispana, por lo que el estreno de la historia ¡Consecuencias! escrita por Ian Flynn e ilustrada por Tracy YardleyAdam Bryce ThomasJennifer Hernández y Evan Stanley llegará a las tiendas el 9 de junio del 2020 y promete satisfacer a un público norteamericano entusiasmado.

“Los cómics son para todos y Sonic resuena con lectores en todo el mundo,” dijo Michael Cisneros, Gerente de Licencias de SEGA de América. “No podríamos estar más orgullosos de que la serie de cómics se esté llevando a los mercados en español, ya que esto es algo que nuestros fans han estado pidiendo desde que se se lanzó el primer número. La comunidad de habla hispana de Sonic es una de las más entusiastas y apasionadas del mundo y nos sentimos honrados de ser parte de este nuevo programa.”

Panda Roja y Oso Lunar (978-1-60309-484-9), del dibujante, escritor, e investigador educativo cubanoamericano Jarod Roselló, es la traducción al español de Red Panda & Moon Bear, una aventura caprichosa y tierna de dos valientes hermanos quienes batallan en su barrio Latinx contra las amenazas sobrenaturales usando los poderes de la ciencia, la magia y unas sudaderas muy especiales. Programado para su estreno el 16 de junio del 2020, Panda Roja y Oso Lunar será una favorita instantánea para los lectores jóvenes, llena de acción vibrante y emocionante como el resplandeciente brillo del sol del Caribe.

"Estoy muy emocionado por tener Red Panda & Moon Bear publicado en español,” dijo Roselló. “Como cubanoamericano, crecí rodeado de inglés y español, así que para mí es importante que mi libro sea accesible para los lectores de ambos idiomas. Panda Roja y Oso Lunar son personajes de la frontera, que viven y juegan atravesando idiomas, historias y culturas. Me da mucho gusto que este libro hará lo mismo.”

Las ediciones en español de IDW Publishing estrenan en junio del 2020 y ahora están disponibles para pre-pedido por medio de librerías y comerciantes especializados en cómics.

Sobre IDW Publishing

IDW Publishing se enorgullece de estar a la vanguardia del entretenimiento visual impreso, cultivando una biblioteca formidable de marcas con licencia de renombre mundial y propiedad intelectual original. Su variada gama de cómics, novelas gráficas y libros de arte brindan placer de lectura a los fanáticos de todas las edades. Sus impresiones premiadas The Library of American Comics, Yoe! Books y Artist Editions (ediciones de artistas) conservan la valiosa historia cultural del medio artístico publicado en secuencia, mientras que los títulos bajo las ramas aclamadas Top Shelf y Black Crown celebran voces ferozmente independientes. IDW Publishing es una división de IDW Media Holdings, Inc. (OTC: IDWM), una empresa de medios totalmente integrada con ofertas amplias en publicación, juegos de mesa, entretenimiento multimedia y exhibición de arte a través de la Galería de Arte en Historieta de San Diego (San Diego Comic Art Gallery).

IDW PUBLISHING To Launch Spanish Editions Of Graphic Novels

 EDITOR’S NOTE:  See above this article for the Spanish translation . . . . . . . . .
IDW Publishing Launches Spanish Language
Graphic Novel Program in North America

George Takei’s New York Times Bestseller They Called Us Enemy,
Sonic The Hedgehog™ and Creator-Owned Red Panda & Moon Bear
Lead IDW Initiative for Spanish Language Books

SAN DIEGO, CA (November 22, 2019) – During a keynote presentation at yesterday’s NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) opening ceremony, author, actor and activist George Takei announced that his New York Times bestselling graphic memoir, They Called Us Enemy will be published in Spanish in North America as part of a new Spanish language initiative from IDW Publishing, a division of IDW Media Holdings Inc. (OTC: IDWM).

“It’s been my life’s mission to tell the story of the cruel and unjust incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, and I’m so honored by the outpouring of support for my graphic memoir, They Called Us Enemy,” said Takei. “Having made this powerful tool for reaching young readers, I am thrilled to make the story accessible to a community that right now—today—is facing attacks that are all too familiar. This edition is especially meaningful to me since I was raised in the Spanish-speaking community of East L.A., which welcomed my family after our years of imprisonment.”

They Called Us Enemy will join SEGA® 's popular Sonic The Hedgehog™ and Red Panda & Moon Bear by Cuban American cartoonist Jarod Roselló as the debut wave of translated graphic novel titles, slated for release in June 2020. The first comprehensive in-house Spanish language program from a major American graphic novel publisher, this initiative is especially fitting for IDW Publishing, a company headquartered in San Diego, CA, just miles from the U.S.-Mexico border—a crossroads of nations, languages and cultures.

“IDW is proud to announce our new publishing initiative that reflects the increasingly diverse makeup of American readers and expands the accessibility of graphic novel storytelling to Spanish-speaking communities throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada,” said Chris Ryall, IDW’s President, Publisher, and CCO. “Spanish is spoken by more than 40 million people in the United States, making it the second most spoken language in this country. We're not only publishing for the readership that we have today, but also preparing for the growing readership of the next decade and beyond."

Nos llamaron Enemigo (978-1-60309-483-2), the Spanish language translation of They Called Us Enemy, is Takei’s stunning graphic memoir, co-written with Justin Eisinger and Steven Scott and illustrated by Harmony Becker. Revisiting Takei’s haunting childhood as one of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans imprisoned by the U.S. government during World War II, this gripping tale of courage, country, loyalty, and love is “a thought-provoking, critical look at the history of racism in American policies and culture" (Booklist). Nos llamaron Enemigo will be released on June 2, 2020.

“George Takei’s memoir, the story of his family being wrongly incarcerated by the American government during WWII, is an ideal title to spearhead this new Spanish language initiative,” said Justin Eisinger, co-author and IDW Editorial Director, Graphic Novels & Collections. “Beyond the scope of their imprisonment and personal struggles, They Called Us Enemy is a story of hope. In today’s climate, facing challenges and prejudice that are in some ways similar, we felt as many young readers as possible should have access to this story.”

Sonic the Hedgehog Volumen 1: ¡Consecuencias! (978-1-68405-749-8) is the Spanish language adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog Vol. 1: Fallout, the first volume in IDW’s wildly popular series based on SEGA’s global video game phenomenon. Sonic the Hedgehog has long been a favorite in Spanish-speaking communities worldwide, so the debut of the ¡Consecuencias! storyline, written by Ian Flynn and illustrated by Tracy YardleyAdam Bryce ThomasJennifer Hernandez, and Evan Stanley, promises to satisfy an eager Spanish-speaking audience in North America, arriving in stores on June 9, 2020.

“Comics are for everyone and Sonic resonates with readers worldwide,” said Michael Cisneros, Manager of Licensing at SEGA of America. “We could not be prouder that the comic series is being brought to the Spanish language markets as this is something our fans have been clamoring for since the first issue was released. The Spanish-speaking Sonic community are some of our most passionate supporters in the world and we are honored to be part of this new program.”

Panda Roja y Oso Lunar (978-1-60309-484-9), by Cuban American writer/artist and educational researcher Jarod Roselló, is the Spanish translation of Red Panda & Moon Bear, a whimsical and tender-hearted adventure of two brave siblings who battle supernatural threats to their vibrant Latinx neighborhood with the powers of science, magic, and some very special hoodies. Slated for release on June 16, 2020, Panda Roja y Oso Lunar will be an instant favorite for young readers, packed with Saturday-morning action and practically glowing with Caribbean sunshine.

“I’m really excited to have Red Panda & Moon Bear published in Spanish,” said Roselló. “As a Cuban American, I grew up surrounded by both English and Spanish, so it's important to me that my book be accessible to readers of both languages. Red Panda & Moon Bear themselves are characters of the border, living and playing across languages, histories, and cultures. I'm so glad that this book will be doing the same.”

IDW Publishing’s Spanish language editions will be released in June 2020 and are now available for pre-order via booksellers and comic book specialty retailers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Click the link to view/hear “Time For The Seasons” by INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS OF POP, Track #11 on my 2019 music mix . . . . . . .

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

10TH MUSE Returns To Comics November 20

From the official TidalWave press release . . . . .

The hit comic book series that started off at Image Comics is coming back to TidalWave Comics nineteen years to this month. 

10TH MUSE was rated the sixth highest selling comic book in its debut in 2000 by Diamond Distributors.  The new issue is being released November 20th in print and online.

Greek mythology has documented the nine Muses, the inspirational daughters of the almighty god Zeus. But history forgot one—the 10th Muse. Emma Sonnet mysteriously disappeared five years ago during a summer trip to Greece celebrating her graduation from law school. Yesterday, she resurfaced just as mysteriously as the newly appointed District Attorney, with a unique take on the law. Battling evil in the courtroom by day, and in the shadows at night, Emma Sonnet is tipping the scales of justice her way, as the 10th Muse. Billionaire industrialist Grayson Bishop, charming and as deadly as a cobra, will as easily kill a rival as bury them in business. Now his sights are set on the 10th Muse, and he wants her dead in the worst way.

“We are excited to bring back this character after so many years.  She has been a comic book icon when we launched her.  I have been waiting for the right time to bring her back”’ said creator Darren G. Davis. “If you loved the old series, you will definitely enjoy the new one”. 

“10th Muse: Justice #1: There is a line of evil creatures with a vendetta against the 10th Muse.  Cronus, Circe and Sonnet have conjured a new villainess to the mix.  Meet Justice and she is after the Muse and her friends.  All this to try to bring back 10th Muse's classic foe Medusa as well as the frightening Charybdis.
Written by Darren G. Davis and Ryan Burton. Art by Carlos Silva.
The comic book will be on Amazon worldwide in print.  Also available on your e-reader from iTunes, Kindle, Nook, ComiXologyDriveThruComics, Google Play, Overdrive, IVerseBiblioboardMadefire, Axis360, Blio, Entitle, EPIC!, Smash Words, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold.

To view on Amazon, click here:

A special new hardcover edition of the original 10th Muse comic book that was first published by Image Comics in 2000 will be available as well. “10th Muse #1: Hardcover Anniversary edition”will include a bunch of extras.  Created by Darren G. Davis, Written by Marv Wolfman and art by Ken Lashley.  In print on Amazon:

Back issues graphic novels can be purchased through Arcana Comics.  

About TidalWave Comics

TidalWave is a multifaceted multimedia production company with the mission of delivering dynamic storytelling in a variety of forms by developing graphic and literary fiction and nonfiction, audio, film, and more. Their wide range of diverse titles is sure to delight your patrons by delivering dynamic visuals and creative and innovative storytelling available in high-quality print and electronic formats.
TidalWave delivers a multimedia experience unparalleled in the burgeoning graphic fiction and nonfiction marketplace. Dynamic storytelling coupled with groundbreaking art delivers an experience like no other. Stories are told through multiple platforms and genres, gracing the pages of graphic novels, novelizations, engaging audio dramas, cutting-edge film projects, and more. Diversity defines TidalWave’s offerings in the burgeoning pop culture marketplace, offering fresh voices and innovative storytellers. 
As one of the top independent publishers of comic book and graphic novels, TidalWave unites cutting-edge art and engaging stories produced by the publishing industry’s most exciting artists and writers. Its extensive catalog of comic book titles includes the bestsellers “10th Muse” and “The Legend of Isis,” complemented by a line of young adult books and audiobooks. Storm’s publishing partnerships include entertainment icon William Shatner (“TekWar Chronicles”), legendary filmmaker Ray Harryhausen (“Wrath of the Titans,” “Sinbad: Rogue of Mars,” “Jason and the Argonauts,” and more), novelists S.E. Hinton (“The Puppy Sister”) and William F. Nolan (“Logan’s Run”), and celebrated actors Vincent Price (“Vincent Price Presents”), Dirk Benedict of the original “Battlestar Galactica” (“Dirk Benedict in the 25th Century”), and Adam West of 1966’s “Batman” fame (“The Mis-Adventures of Adam West”). TidalWave also publishes a highly successful line of biographical comics under the titles “Orbit,” “Fame,” “Beyond,” “Tribute,” “Female Force,” and “Political Power.”

GARY SCOTT BEATTY: Updates From The Indie Comics Creator

EDITOR'S NOTE: We turn our regularly scheduled program over to bring this special presentation from the mind of indie comics creator GARY SCOTT BEATTY. Read on . . . . . . . .
It's week two of the final, free chapters of Gods of Aazurn: Witches! If you don't want to read this creepy, cosmic horror and leave me "Likes" on Webtoons, why are you even reading this? This webtoon is what's inside me, dear reader, and it's my gift to you.

Read and Like online at Webtoons.


All the dangerous elements in this last chapter of Welcome to Dunwich are coming together, making it a blast to draw. Here a news helicopter, sent to explore odd weather in isolated Dunwich, is just discovering the mayhem on the ground. In the color stage, the chopper will be shown hit by lightning.
This full page and another, plus more info, is posted for Patrons only at Patreon here.Become a Patron for as little as $1 a month.


I've been doing illustration work I'm not allowed to share yet, that "Project Bud" I mentioned last week. I hope to have more for you to see soon!


My dad, Alan Beatty, had a good Veteran's Day last week. He joined the Naval Reserves in 1951 and served on the U.S.S. New Jersey, a battleship in Korea. He became the secretary to the commander of the supply department and passed ammunition to the anti-aircraft, 30mm guns. He was also operations communicator for the admiral, passing his orders to 12 different stations on the 108 foot long ship. Dad has my respect for serving honorably in the Korean War.


I had a good time visiting Vince Locke as he tabled Tardy's Collector's Corner in Grand Rapids Saturday. I've been talking to Vince at shows since our late-'80s, post-punk days, before he was hired away from Caliber Comics to work for DC's Vertigo line. Vince's art graces to pages of the new Joe Hill line comic, The Dollhouse Family. He also runs a great Patreon page here.
Tardy's, a comic shop since 1979, has been owned by Gavin and Deanna Willard for three years. I enjoy basking in their enthusiasm every time I see this pair of young comic shop owners. Visit them in Grand Rapids, or online here.


Friend of Aazurn Joseph Duis' Heresy Studios has an interesting Kickstarter ending very soon. Golden Age superheroes get existential in Superheresies, described as "If Rod Serling had created superhero comics."
I'm big on doing things differently and Joseph has that down. You may remember his Doctor Orange, a Halloween-themed psychological horror comic. I'm looking forward to enjoying Superheresies, it looks like a hoot! Check it out here.


Also ending very soon, Dirk Manning's The Tales of Mr. Rhee Omnibus: Act One on Kickstarter, from Source Point Press. 550-plus pages collecting the first four graphic novels, with art by Joshua Ross, Seth Damoose, Anthony D. Lee, and more (including a cover by The Crow creator James O'Barr). Worth checking out here.
Manning's Mr. Rhee kept me from creative depression years ago when DC decided to make their John Constantine: Hellblazer character into a super hero, with magic emitting from his freakin' fingers like a freakin' children's cartoon. Mr. Rhee soothed my anger. There are good reads out there!


As winter engulfs us, remember to connect with friends and strangers, and not just electronically. The holidays are a valuable time for digital detox. We need human connections. The web is a wonderful gift for information, but an attention sucking monster. Strike a balance, heavily weighed to the human side, and you'll be OK.

In glorious service to our Aazurn overlords,
Gary Scott Beatty

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Listen To Le Superhomard "Meadow Lane Park"

Track Number Ten From My 2019 Music Playlist.  Click the link below to see and hear . . . . . .

RAT QUEEN Creator Develops New Fantasy Series With ONI PRESS

Family Drama Takes A Turn for the Strange in This Genre-Bending Fantasy Series, Coming Spring 2020


PORTLAND, OR: Best-selling writer Kurtis Wiebe (Rat Queens), newcomer artist Justin Osterling, and Oni Press are pleased to announce the launch of a new ongoing fantasy series, Dryad. The first issue will be available March 2020. 

From creator Kurtis Wiebe, “Dryad is a story that I've been working on in one form or another since I became a father five years ago. I wanted to tell a story about a couple whose lives were irrevocably changed by becoming parents, and I wanted to set it against a backdrop where I'd never really found a slice of life, family drama to be set: a fantasy world.” 

An elf and a human find solace in the sleepy forest settlement of Frostbrook where they plant their roots. But thirteen years later, their twins, Griffon and Rana are inexplicably drawn to an ancient door and discover more than they bargained for, inadvertently turning their world upside down. Now, they'll have to answer for their parents' mistakes and find that the past has a way of finding you, no matter where you hide. 

“While Dryad is a deep study of family, it's primarily a story about what parents do to protect their children and what lengths they would go to keep them safe. Dryad is also equal parts mystery and action with a few sizable twists and turns to keep readers on their toes,” says Kurtis.

Dryad is artist Justin Osterling’s first published work, and he sees working on the series as an opportunity to take the fantasy genre in a different direction. “When Kurtis came to me about Dryad, it was a breath of fresh air for me in terms of fantasy. There was a lot of research on my side, pulling from the art so many classic traditional fantasy illustrators but I also wanted to explore influences not traditionally associated with it like Hayao Miyazaki and Masamune Shirow; but also into First Nations and Latin symbology and architecture. While a lot of fantasy is set with European influences, we really wanted something that was reflected in the Americas and it’s many cultures.” 

The first issue of Dryad will be available in stores and online March 4, 2020. 

About the Creators

Kurtis Wiebe is a writer based in Calgary, Alberta. He is a two-time Joe Shuster Award winner, including an Outstanding Comic Book Writer award for his contribution to the critically acclaimed Green Wake. He is the creator the Eisner-nominated series Rat Queens with Image Comics. 

Justin Osterling is a Latinx comic artist and fantasy illustrator based out of Savannah, Georgia. He is an alum of the Savannah College or Art and Design where he studied sequential art and story boarding. He’s best known for his character work with Roll20 and character design work for actual play tabletop RPG podcast. Justin can be found on Twitter and Instagram.

ACHEWOOD Webcomic Coming Back To Print


The Portland-Based Publisher Will Bring Beloved Webcomic Back to Print in 2020

PORTLAND—Oni Press adds one of the most celebrated webcomcs to a diverse catalog of print collections of online comics and creators from around the world, with the announcement of an all-new omnibus series of Chris Onstad’s Achewood!

The New York Times Bestselling comic returns to print in this massive new omnibus series, collecting the complete comics from start to finish! Volume 1 includes the first 600+ strips in chronological order, alongside a wealth of rare additional material including recipes, short-fiction, maps, posters, never-before reprinted comics, and much more! Edited by Toronto Comic Art Festival founder Christopher Butcher, this gorgeous new hardcover collection features an all new Achewood short story by series creator Chris Onstad, and a foreword by The Magicians author Lev Grossman.
“I've been a fan of Achewood since the first year, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss heading to the site to look for new strips every day or two” says Toronto Comic Art Festival Founder and Artistic Director, Christopher Butcher. “One of the best surprises for me in editing this book is just how much new Achewood there is for me to enjoy, as the strip was joined by Ray's advice column Ray's Place, by the blogs, by the zines, the prose work, the recipies, the rare strips for other websites, and so much more. It's an absolute trip to get to read all of Achewood chronologically as I help to put this volume together, and I think fans old and new are going to love it just as much as I do when it arrives in print next summer.”

Tremendously influential and darkly hilarious, Achewood quickly and expertly subverts the genre expectations of the daily strip with razor sharp with and deeply human explorations of depression, relationships, masculinity, death, and selling your soul to the devil to become a billionaire. 
“I am incredibly proud to add Chris Onstad and Achewood to the Oni Press library,” says publisher James Lucas Jones. “Onstad’s daily strips paved the way for many webcomics creators, and showed that you could build a sustainable audience for serialized comics outside of the traditional periodical publishing model. These strips remain every bit as irreverent and insightful today as they were nearly 20 years ago, and these meticulously assembled books promise to expose a whole new generation of readers to Onstad’s dark and witty brand of humor while giving existing fans the classy archival treatment they already know this work deserves.”
Achewood will be released in an all-new omnibus format in June 2020, with future volumes and special editions to be announced in the coming months.