Friday, February 7, 2020

Want To Break Into Comics? Now There's Another Accredited School

Your Path to Publishing!

Publishing Submissions Open!
Comics Experience is now accepting submissions for the Publishing Program, through February 29, 2020.

For eligibility requirements and instructions on how to submit your project, please review our Publishing Submissions Guidelines.
We look forward to reading your submissions!
Alumni Getting Published!
Comics Experience Art Instructor Phillip Sevy talks about creating his latest one-shot, Paradox, published by Comics Experience and Source Point Press!
Teacher and Comics Experience Creators Workshop Member C.A. Preece talks about his latest project and his experience with comics as a valuable educational tool in the classroom.
Creators Workshop Member Dallas Casavant talks with us about how Mentoring Services with Andy Schmidt and support from Comics Experience resources helped make his new book a reality.
Bob Salley with Comics Experience publishing partner, Source Point Press, talks about collaborating with co-creator Shawn Daley on the penultimate issue of their 4-part mini-series, Ogres.
John Luzar talks about the value of his Creators Workshop membership and the personalized instruction he received through his CE Courses.
Matthew Selle shares how his Comics Experience coursework and Workshop membership have helped him learn about Kickstarter, printing and more!
Upcoming Courses!
Join us this year at C2E2:
February 28 - March 1 in Chicago!
Join Andy Schmidt, Bon Alimagno, Anne Randulic, Atom Freeman and other Comics Experience staff at this year's C2E2! 

You'll find Andy moderating the following Panels:

Comics Creation: Writing for Comics!
February 28th, 2020, 3:00 - 4:00 PM, Room S504
Speakers: Andy Schmidt, James Tynion IV, Kyle Higgins, Carlos Giffoni

Breaking Into Comics and Staying In!
February 29th, 2020, 3:00 - 4:00 PM, Room S504
Speakers: Andy Schmidt, Kyle Higgins, Robert Atkins, Carlos Giffoni, K Lynn Smith, Jay Fosgitt

Make Comics Today: A De-Mystifying of How Comics Are Made, from Ideas to Publication & Printing!
March 1st, 2020. 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Room S503
Speakers: Andy Schmidt, Sanford Greene, Zander Cannon, Rich Bloom
And be sure to look for us at this year's Emerald City Comic Con:

March 12-15 in Seattle!

New Make Comics Podcasts

Catch up on the latest episodes, hosted by Joey Groah and our podcast team!

Each episode provides 15 minutes or more on all aspects of creating comics and breaking in to the industry.
Writer, Editor, and Comics Experience Pro Critiquer Molly Lazer (Marvel Comics) talks with Joey about the importance of having your work critiqued, giving constructive actionable criticism, and reading drafts after notes.
Episode 190: Storytelling
Comics Experience Founder Andy Schmidt joins Joey to talk about storytelling in comics; how perspective and trends change for storytellers over time, and how storytelling basics stay the same.
Comics Experience Writing Instructor Fred Van Lente (Amazing Spider-Man, Conan the Barbarian, Archer & Armstrong, and many more) talks with Joey and Andy about tips for pitching comics!
Comics Experience Creators Workshop Director Bon Alimagno talks with Joey about working with and developing new talent from his time in editorial and as Talent Coordinator for Marvel. Bon talks about the basics of engaging as a professional, what a Talent Coordinator does, and more!
Comics creators start here!
Wherever you are on the path to making comics, we can help! Learn more about our coursesCreators Workshopmentoringpublishing program, and other offerings. 

We strive to foster a culture of learning, opportunity, and respect for all members of the comics community. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for featuring us on your Blog, Mike!! Looking forward to helping lots of new talent break into comics!
