Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Gary Scott Beatty's Amazing Art . . . and Ramblings

commentary by Gary Scott Beatty . . . . .

I just launched the final chapter to The Deadly Passion of Vega and Altair.

Gods of Aazurn is here on Webtoons.

This tale turns the beloved Eastern love story to the dark side. This week, the couple faces the consequences of their actions. The King of the Dark Sky is not pleased.

Cosmic dragons! Inks and coloring processes for the illustration below are posted for Patrons on Patreon here.


If you want to read H.P. Lovecraft's The Shadow Out of Timethe way he wrote it, S. T. Joshi and David E. Schultz's Corrected Text book is the way to go.
The Introduction contains real insights into Lovecraft, his life and his times. The convoluted story about how the original text was lost and found is an exciting tale about manuscripts and research. The Notes section is interesting, and the Textual Notes section is excessive, but needed in this kind of book study.

What falls a little short for me is The Shadow Out of Time itself, Lovecraft's last major story. I can't help comparing Shadow to another of his lengthy works, At the Mountains of Madness, since both climax with discoveries made in ancient ruins in vast, unexplored wastelands. For me, Mountains is simply more gripping, moody and downright scary.

Still, The Shadow Out of Time Corrected Text is recommended for scholarly fun.


Before COVID, my messy hair was a fashion choice. Now everyone has messy hair. Trend setter?


If you've read Seductions from my Worlds graphic novel, you know I love horror romance. A problem: there aren't many truly compelling horror romances out there. Most are excessive, sentimental schmaltz, without compelling story and character.

Then there's Spring (2014). written and directed (always a good sign) by Justin Benson. The characters in the first minutes are very real -- it's like I know these guys. Lou Taylor Pucci (American Horror Story) flees to Italy, where he strikes up a romance with a mysterious woman, Nadia Hilker (The Walking Dead).

This is not a Lovecraftian movie, but retains some of the trappings: science, myth, and monster. Like Lovecraft when you are not in the mood, Spring is long, with lots of talking, beautiful and ancient vistas of Italy, and very little monster to actually see.

Recommended but not for everyone. Spring is on TubiTV here, free with ads.


Bitching has returned to social media after a short reprieve of actual concern for people's welfare. Some posters need to vent, my wife tells me, but they don't have to vent at you. Turn them off. They have nothing to offer you.

Stay safe and be happy. Non-Comic Con Relaxational Week is coming to you here in these emails!

In glorious service to our Aazurn overlords,
Gary Scott Beatty
For Gods of Aazurn ink and color details, join us on Patreon


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