50th Anniversary Kolchak Graphic Novel Anthology
By James Aquilone, Creator . . . . .
I’m editing Moonstone Books' graphic novel anthology for the 50th anniversary of KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER. It will be packed with monsters of all kinds and you'll see a few familiar faces in our contributors' list as well as some other big names. A Kickstarter with plenty of cool Kolchak rewards is coming soon — and you can sign up for an email alert when we launch here.
The contributor lineup for the anthology is ridiculous. We’ll have original stories by KimNewman (Anno Dracula), Rodney Barnes (Killadelphia), Richard Christian Matheson(Classic Monsters Unleashed), Jonathan Maberry (V-Wars, Classic Monsters Unleashed), Peter David (The Incredible Hulk, Aquaman, Young Justice, Supergirl, Fallen Angel, Spider-Man), Tim Waggoner (Halloween Kills, Classic Monsters Unleashed), Nancy Collins(Swamp Thing, Vampirella, Army of Darkness: Furious Road), Jim Beard (X-Files: Secret Agendas, Planet of the Apes: Tales from the Forbidden Zone, Spider-Man: Enemies Closer) and James Chambers (Kolchak: the Night Stalker: The Forgotten Lore of Edgar Allan Poe).
In addition to editing, I’ll be writing a story called “Satanic Panic '88,” which will be illustrated by Colton Worley and will also be available in a stand-alone 40-pagecomic.
Our artists include Jerry Ordway (Superman, Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Power of Shazam!), Colton Worley (Classic Monsters Unleashed), Paul McCaffrey (Anno Dracula), J.K. Woodward (Fallen Angel, Star Trek), Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (Samurai Jack, Tank Girl) and Tom Rogers (Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla).
Here's a look at some of the covers....
This one is by Colton Worley

And this one is by Jerry Ordway

We’ll also have an intro by RIchard Christian Matheson and essays by Mark Dawidziak, the author of The Nightstalker Companion, and Moonstone Books publisher Joe Gentile.
(P.S. I can let you all on a little secret — we're also doing a Kolchak prose anthology that will be open to submissions after the Kickstarter. No invitees. Stories will ONLY be taken from the slush pile.)
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