Wednesday, March 30, 2022

THE BATMAN – Main Trailer

THE BATMAN in theaters. I saw this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Much better than I expected this to be. The opening scenes set a tone and atmosphere 
that is maintained throughout the entire film.
Dark, dark, dark. Very suspenseful with a mystery for Batman to use his detective skills to solve.
There is a very dark spin to The Riddler, usually a quirky character but super-creepy here.
There's a SILENCE OF THE LAMBS vibe running through the whole film.
Good script. There is no back-story, as the majority of viewers are familiar with
Batman's origins and beginnings. Finally! This gets right to the man story.
Great visuals. Robert Pattison does a neat job as Batman, moody and broody and
menacing. Colin Farrell is unrecognizable as The Penguin, including his voice. 
Why is it always raining heavily in Gotham? Nice touch.  

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